A world of disparity
The life of a sellsword is brutal and short.
Vanguard Company prides itself on rewarding those who venture down this dangerous career path with fair and equal shares for jobs successfully completed. Above all else, the organization knows that their mercenaries are their best clients and, in that, allows them the freedom to approach their contracts in the way they see best fit.
Vanguard Company is a small community of roleplayers that aim to provide a curated series of monthly adventures with a focus on collaborative storytelling and lightweight combat rules within the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Our size allows us to maintain a living world wherein characters can network and see the effects of their actions on and off the clock.We operate with an "Adventure of the Week" format to ensure a player can easily join in at any time, and welcome both roleplay veterans and beginners looking to learn!Our ranks are mostly comprised of middle to low power combatants, but there is room in the company for those who do not fight on the frontlines. Healers, mages, academics, and accountants alike can provide to the fledgling mercenary company.Additionally, if your company would like to establish a partnership with Vanguard Company we are always open to collaborative roleplay opportunities!If your character works for Vanguard Company, this simply means they have been approved to take contracts with the company and does not imply they are disallowed to work elsewhere. There is a light IC and OOC command structure and each adventuring party will have an assigned handler, but this hierarchy extends only for active assignments or other Vanguard Company matters.
Our Stories
We currently offer an adventure a week with plans to expand this out as we gather both more players and DMs.Vanguard Company's adventures take them all over the world to deal with a variety of threats and foes such as monsters and organizations, though they will also take jobs for smaller or more intimate matters such as missing persons' requests or recovering lost valuables.Since Vanguard Company's founding they have done everything from fighting spider-like voidsent aboard a merchant vessel to tracking down runaway nobles all while making sure characters from accomplished mages to swordsmen with no ability to use aether are able to meaningfully contribute.
Stand Alone
Our Stand Alone plots are self contained adventures designed to be completed in a single sitting. These one off stories are run with a small crew of Vanguard Company members and, while not always combat oriented, they do require some level of team work to reach a favorable end.This is a glimpse of the stories that have shaped us with many more on the horizon...
Theft on the River's Diamond
A note to the less lawfully minded members of the company is passed to them by an impossible to place shrouded figure one day while walking the streets of the city. A gambling den hosted on a riverboat where the prizes are gil and dangerous artifacts alike. You have been chosen to be part of the crew that will be making off with every cent and magical trinket aboard the infamous River's Diamond. Bring a snappy outfit.

Gone to the Dogs
A short notice call for urgent aid brings the Vanguard to the distant lands of Thavnair, travel expenses and all, but this is no vacation: A pet dog with an unusual and rare sickness under treatment from a local alchemist has escaped into the wider city of Radz-at-Han. Find and recapture it before the disease can spread.
A Voice in the Woods
Reports of a crazed gunman hiding in the woods in Limsa have prompted the Maelstrom to reach out to Vanguard Company for the first time, requesting their aid in tracking this person and bringing them to justice.In an entirely unrelated incident there have also been reports of people experiencing severe hallucinations outside of Wineport, and you've been asked to investigate this matter during your time there as well.

Push comes to shove
A local gang of miscreants has claimed their town's tavern for their own, and it's terrible for business - even after hiring several adventurers to chase them off, they keep coming back. The Vanguard is to pose as a bigger, badder gang, and scare them off for good by conquering the place themselves.
Some stories can take a little more time to tell. Our Seasons are made up multi-event adventures that shift and flow based on the interaction of our players. These plots have a history of tackling difficult themes and gruesome consequences intended on challenging a character under oppressive conditions.These are the stories we have told and with many more left to tell...

Come home...
Following the unfortunate death of his adopted Elezen parents, Kaste is called upon to complete the paperwork for claiming his family's estate. What he attends is something far more sinister - an ambush by his adopted brother Aerosic who has the means to flip a conditioned switch that throws Kaste in to a blind and violent rage. No longer able to work on his own behalf, the Auri man calls upon his employer Vanguard Company to seek out his spiteful older brother, disarm the sonic device that dissolves his self control and put an end to the affairs that have kept him hiding in fear of hurting those he loves. The finale was met with tragedy and Vanguard Company's only remaining option was to turn to the questionably aligned mage Rihad. Their payment? Something far more valuable than assets; a favor.
You Shall All Be Healed
Knight Captain. Arriving. On the field.
Vanguard Company had taken a bill from the City of Ishgard to aid in the exploration and security of an abandoned underground lab built during the Dragonsong War. Their task was to assist a blacklist company of knights known as the Chapter of Penance - a penal chapter made up of souls who were determined skilled enough to serve their time in military service to the City-State rather than behind bars. What was found in the shuttered facility was the evidence of unethical experiments and the state issued slaughter of the CoP's former ranks. The Chapter, now lead by former defector Tetra Vinn, paid far more than their sentenced time in suffering having been subjected to experiments and poor conditions during their term. Vanguard Company has found themselves in support of the Chapter of Penance's efforts to survive in the frigid snowfields of Coerthas, withstand attacks from opposing Knight Chapters and earn their freedom.

Falling Stars
Our current adventure...
A letter arrives, unsigned, to Vanguard Company headquarters - with a staggering amount of gil included.I hope I find you all well. I've come to make a request: Several members of Ul'dah's Adventuring Guild have gone missing in recent days, the last of which was on a course for the Sagolii Desert before their disappearance. You and yours are to investigate - the latter half of your payment will arrive when you do. Forgive my secrecy, but rest assured I will know when the task is complete. All will be clear in time. Safe travels.
Our Combat Systems
Vanguard Company uses a custom combat system based around the in-game /dice command. Our system is designed to be as simple and easy to use as possible, while still maintaining expression and allowing for interesting combat development.When a combat encounter begins, each player will choose one of four Combat Roles for the duration of the event; each role alters their odds of successful attack and defense, their total HP and provides a set of unique skills. Players will take turns performing Combat Actions in an order assigned by the DM of that event. Upon reaching 0 HP you may no longer perform any Combat Actions.Once a single character has finished 5 jobs under the Vanguard Company banner, you may reach out to the DMs directly to create a custom ability. We will do our best to keep these character abilities balanced and interesting; if they feel too weak or strong we will gladly work with you to find a solution that best represents your character mechanically while respecting the combat systems.
The first line and last line of protection on the field of battle. Stand your ground and shelter those who are most important - your allies.
HP: 6
Attack: /dice 750
Defense: /diceSpecial abilities:
Cover: You place yourself between an attack intended for an ally within 10ft of yourself and take the damage in their place. Once utilized, you cannot attack on your next turn.Second Wind: You forgo all other actions on your turn to regain 2HP - this ability cannot be used more than once an adventure.
Aid comes in all forms. Sustain an ally on deaths door or the strengthen the efforts of the whole party.
HP: 3
Attack: /dice 750
Defense: /dice 700Special abilities:
Helping Hand: In addition to your standard action, you may perform one of the following actions on your turn;
Party-wide Buff : Each party member within 20ft of the caster receives a +50 to their next roll, be it defense or offense.
Individual Buff : A single party member within 20ft of the caster receives a +100 to their next roll, be it defense or offense.
If this buff goes unused it expires at the end of their turn. Players can only have one instance of each buff at any time.Reduce Damage: If an ally is to receive damage you can forfeit your attack on your next turn to instead reduce the damage taken by 1.
Single Target
A master of assault. Lucky or reckless, a powerful blow can bring a swift end to those who contest you.
HP: 4
Attack: /dice
Defense: /dice 800Special abilities:
Critical Hits: If you roll a 750 or above, you deal two damage instead of one on your attack roll. If you roll a 900 or above you deal 3 damage instead of 1.Reckless Assault: You forgo all defense to make a desperate attack at your target. This attack will always land and will always deal 1 damage. The target instantly makes an attack against you wherein you roll your defense value as normal.
Control a crowd or be controlled. Assault multiple targets but risk failure as numbers increase.
HP: 4
Attack: /dice 950
Defense: /dice 750Special abilities:
AoE: You can attack multiple targets so long as they are within 10ft of each other, rolling with a -100 penalty for each additional person you choose to target after the first.Lucky Strikes: Once per encounter you may choose to reroll a series of attacks, using the new values even if they were lower than the last.
A vagabond; untrained or untethered by their role.
HP: 4
Attack: /dice
Defense: /diceSpecial Ability: None.
Sets & Locations
Our stories and social encounters are run at a variety of Plots and Apartments that are designed and operated by our members. While some of our adventures do take place at over world locations it is not unusual for a Vanguard Company plot to have a custom created set piece for our players to immerse themselves in.
Vanguard's Bastion
The Goblet, Ward 17, Plot 55
An official headquarters or base of operations for Vanguard Company. Within these walls the members of the company can find respite and common ground, with a kitchen, lounge and infirmary available on the upper floor, while the ground floor hosts a stocked bar, a well equipped Armory and space to practice their combat techniques.
Biweekly, Vanguard Company operates an open house where all ranks of adventurers are welcome to test their mettle in the arena. For those who would like to clash steel and wits: Vanguard's Tap & Gambit
Vanguard's Office
Lavender Beds, Ward 6, Apt 40
The Vanguard Company office where all interviews and official business take place. Equipped with a planning table and backup infirmary.

Arcadian Lodge
Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 31
Nestled in a sleepy ward of the Lavender Beds, the Arcadian Lodge is host to a number of amenities such as a robust library, a cozy common room, and an outdoor patio—though the primary attraction is the rustic tavern located in the basement. Once a private haven for the mercenaries of Vanguard Company, the doors of the Lodge are now open to the public!
OOC Information
Vanguard Company is an inclusive space and while we may sometimes deal with mature themes we expect that anyone joining us respects our zero tolerance policy with regards to racism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other forms of discrimination.The following rules apply to all members of Vanguard Company.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in removal from our community.
1. Treat others with kindness and respect.Harassing, insulting, threatening, antagonizing, shaming, discriminating, stalking, and doxxing other players is enforced under a strict zero tolerance policy. This is a fun and positive space first and foremost, and all members are expected to be considerate of each other. This is an LGBTQ+ positive space, with zero tolerance for discrimination.2. Be an adult.All members must be 18 years of age or older. A reasonable amount of maturity is expected from everyone. If you make a mistake, own it and apologize. If you have a problem with another player, discuss it with them and reach out to a moderator if a solution cannot be reached. If you are uncomfortable with something, speak up about it.3. Keep mature content within reason.This community may sometimes contain mature content and adult themes. However, certain content is not allowed, including (but not limited to) pornography, gore, literotica, and hateful or offensive jokes.4. Demonstrate good roleplay etiquette.Godmodding, powergaming, metagaming, and IC/OOC bleeding are not allowed. Adherence to the lore is strongly encouraged, but will not be policed. Adequate spelling, grammar, and effort in your writing is expected. Always ask for consent before inflicting changes to another player’s character. Respect your partner’s boundaries when it comes to sensitive subjects in roleplay, and be sure your events contain appropriate content warnings when dealing with potentially sensitive or upsetting content.
Vanguard Company is made up of experienced roleplayers and DMs, and we are currently looking to recruit more. The ideal applicant is interested in joining our community and participating in our RP events and gatherings. To join...1. Fill out our application.2. Await a response from one of our officers.Successful applicants will first be scheduled for an OOC interview which will be followed by an IC interview to see how your character plays with a small selection of our other members.